Get inspired to travel North! Find 50 ideas to explore the northernmost part of Croatia.
The guidebook is available on Amazon. Find out more VIA THE LINK..

Get inspired for walks along lakes and rivers, discover waterfalls in northern Croatia and enjoy nature. Locations that we recommend visiting with children, or those that offer amazing pet-walking trails, are specifically indicated in the guide.

Northern Croatia is covered with low hills with several prominent peaks from which the views are unsurpassed. In the guide, we have listed 15 of those—natural viewpoints from which you will experience the north of Croatia from a new perspective.

While wandering around the north of Croatia, we often come across gems that make us wonder: "How did we not know about this before?" This guide will cut your troubles short and inspire you to explore the hidden corners of the North and discover its secrets.

Stories about people from northern Croatia, historical events, and natural beauties are hidden in the various places that are devotedly working to pass them on to interested visitors. These treasures are, of course, museums and visitor centres, and in the guide, we have highlighted 14 of them that are worth visiting.
Some of them joined our discount campaign. Discover below the places you get a discount with the guide.

Pronađite inspiraciju za putovanja sjevernom regijom Hrvatske.
The guidebook is available on Amazon. Find out more VIA THE LINK..
Visit North Croatia
by LITOPS, vl. Anica Šimunec
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