If you have ever driven through the town of Podrute, your eyes must have wandered towards the large colourful rocks that tower over it from the distance. A part of these rocks has been transformed into the Pokojec Climbing Area for those craving the adrenaline rush. If you're not one of them, there is also an easier path toward the top from where you can enjoy the unforgettable view.

The locals call this area Bugarska (Bulgaria), supposedly after the workers from Bulgaria who once worked here at the quarry. It's not at all complicated to get to the foot of the rocks: in Podrute, near the cross (shrine), turn onto the side road, and then follow the road signs at the intersections. At one point, the road turns into a gravel road that leads to the meadow at the foot that can be reached by car or on foot.

Once you get below the rocks, you can sit back on the wooden benches and enjoy the view of this natural beauty. They are so surprisingly comfortable that we never miss the opportunity to stop here at least for a while during our visits. Not far from the benches, the path towards the rocks begins. Although it's not a long walk, it is a bit demanding in places, and the added difficulty is the stones found on parts of this path. Those who intend to climb the more difficult way to the top of the rocks will be delighted by the fact that several dozens of climbing routes have been organized here, making this one of the largest climbing areas in northern Croatia. The first routes were created in 1986, but a few years ago a renovation was carried out to make the climbing area safer, as well as attractive to visitors from Croatia and abroad.

If you are not this type of adrenaline junkie, you can take the longer but easier path (it starts on the left side of the climbing area) and head on foot towards the top, where a beautiful viewpoint awaits you. The ascent is short but very steep, so keep an eye on the path that will appear after a while on the right. It will lead you to a bench on top of the rocks where you can rest and enjoy the view. The view stretches across the village to the slopes of Ivanščica Mountain. In the distance, you'll be able to see Grebengrad Fortress—one of the largest forts on Ivanščica and another favourite picnic spot—and the dense forests around it.

If you want to extend your stay a little longer or increase your exercise, after resting at the viewpoint, return to the main trail and continue uphill. You will reach the top of Rudski Gobec, which is located at 596m above sea level. From here there is a view reached Čevo Peak and behind it the Varaždin plain. But the top of Rudski Gobec itself is not arranged for visitors, that is, there is no arranged area for sitting and resting, unless the grass looks like an ideal surface to you. However, if you really crave the food and drink from a mountain lodge, continue along the path (which now begins to descend) and turn right when you reach the gravel road—soon you will be at Lujček Hut, a mountain lodge and a favourite picnic spot for many Varaždin residents (and beyond).

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